
Xcode Macros

Type any of the prefixes below and then type control-. (period) to expand them to the full text. Control-/ will then select the next placeholder like it does for code completion, and Control-Shift-/ will select the previous placeholder.

  • @try == Try / Catch Block
  • @catch == Catch Block
  • @finally == Finally Block
  • log == NSLog() Call
  • a == Alloc / Init Call
  • aa == Array Declaration
  • ma == Mutable Array Declaration
  • fora == Array For Loop
  • init == Init Method Definition
  • dealloc == Dealloc Method Definition
  • nss == NSString
  • nsms == NSMutableString
  • nsma == NSMutableArray
  • nsd == NSDictionary
  • nsmd == NSMutableDictionary
  • if == If Block
  • ifelse == If / Else Block
  • elseif == Else If Block
  • for == For Loop
  • fori == For i Loop
  • while == While Loop
  • do == Do While Loop
  • switch == Switch Block
  • case == Case Block
  • else == Else Block
  • enum == Enum Definition
  • struct == Struct Definition
  • union == Union Definition
  • typedef == Type Definition
  • printf == Printf() Call
  • pm == #Pragma Mark
  • pim == #Import Statement (System)
  • pimf == #Import Statement (Framework)
  • pin == #Include Statement
  • pins == #Include Statement (System)
  • pif == #If Block
  • pifd == #Ifdef Block
  • pife == #If / Else Block
  • pifde = #Ifdef / Else Block
  • pifz == #If 0 Block
  • copyright == Copyright Comment
  • comment == Comment Selection
  • cseparator == Separator Comment
  • pifdcpp == #Ifdef __cplusplus Block
  • pifdecpp == #Ifdef _cplusplus / Else Block
  • static_cast == Static Cast
  • dynamic_cast == Dynamic Cast
  • reinterpret_cast == Reinterpret Cast
  • try == Try / Catch Block
  • catch == Catch Block
  • cout == Cout Statement
  • coutm == Cout Message
  • namespace == Namespace Definition
  • class == Class Definition
  • extern == Extern \“C\” Statement
  • externb == Extern \“C\” Block

* note: many of the C/C++ macros work for Java

  • try == Try / Catch Block
  • catch == Catch Block
  • finally == Finally Block
  • println == Println() Call
  • synchronized == Synchronized Block
  • b == Bold
  • i == Italics
  • u == Underline
  • big == Bigger
  • small == Smaller
  • title == Title
  • strike == Strikethrough
  • sub == Subscript
  • sup == Superscript
  • tt == Typewriter Text
  • code == Code
  • center == Center
  • h1 == Heading 1
  • h2 == Heading 2
  • h3 == Heading 3
  • h4 == Heading 4
  • h5 == Heading 5
  • h6 == Heading 6
  • hr == Horizontal rule
  • a == Link
  • at == Link With Target
  • aa == Anchor
  • ol == Ordered List
  • ul == Ordered List
  • li == List Item
  • docs/programming/xcode/macros.txt
  • Last modified: 2008/08/03 00:25
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