

  • Dim
    • Declares variables and allocates storage space.
    • Variables declared with Dim at the module level are available to all procedures within the module. At the procedure level, variables are available only within the procedure.
  • Public
    • Used at module level to declare public variables and allocate storage space.
    • Variables declared using the Public statement are available to all procedures in all modules in all applications unless Option Private Module is in effect; in which case, the variables are public only within the project in which they reside.
    • CAUTION: The Public statement can't be used in a class module to declare a fixed-length string variable.
  • Private
    • Used at module level to declare private variables and allocate storage space.
    • Private variables are available only to the module in which they are declared.
  • Global
    • FIXME - this was found in some documentation, but it is unclear if it exists and what it does
  • docs/programming/office_vba/variables.txt
  • Last modified: 2008/08/03 00:25
  • by