
Cake Pops

Given By: Steph
Preparation Time: 4 hours
Serving Size: 25-30

  • Cake or brownie mix of your choice
    • such as Red Velvet at Christmas, etc…
  • 1 can frosting (only when using a cake mix)
    • usually cream cheese or vanilla for Red Velvet cake mix
  • 1 pack of lolly pop sticks
  • 2 bags Wilton Candy Melts, any color
  • Styrofoam for holding the cake pops while setting
  • sprinkles (optional)
  1. Bake cake/brownie mix according to directions on box, and allow it to fully cool on a rack.
  2. If using cake mix, in a large bowl, crumble cake and add 1/3 to 1/2 can of frosting and mix with your hands.
  3. Shape cake into balls, smaller than golf ball size.
  4. Place balls in the freezer until they harden.
  5. Melt the candy in the microwave.
  6. Using one lolly pop stick, poke a single hole in each ball, then remove the stick.
  7. Dip each stick in the melted candy, then insert into the hole you just made (this helps it stay on the cake when people hold it).
  8. Dip the cake ball in the melted candy and completely cover.
  9. Place the cake pops, stick down, into styrofoam to set.
  10. Before the candy hardens, decorate with sprinkles, or another melted candy color as desired.
  11. Cake pops will last longer if kept in refrigerator.
  • recipes/cake_pops.txt
  • Last modified: 2016/01/10 16:14
  • by billh