

You can download many vimrc files from the internet. If you want to start one with the current settings in your vim program, run this command:

:mkvimrc ~/.vimrc

This is my current .vimrc configuration file (for the Mac, GUI Vim or MacVim). Note that I allowed vim to set me up with a default vimrc on windows (see starting a new vimrc above), so some of the common windows key mappings are in place. These lines would be before the following.

if has("gui_running")
	" size the initial window
	:set columns=120
	:set lines=50

	" highlight the entire line the cursor is on
	":set cul
    :map <F9> :set cul!<CR>
	"autocmd ColorScheme * hi CursorLine guibg=#E9EFF8
	" allow ctrl-z to suspend during terminal usage since it may be mapped to
	" undo in windows
	:unmap <C-z>

" make unix (NL) the default file format
:set ff=unix

" always show the status line
:set laststatus=2

" syntax highlighting in color
:syntax enable

" show line numbers and set number column width
:set number
if v:version >= 700
	:set nuw=5

" don't soft wrap text
:set nowrap

" incremental search
:set incsearch

" highlight all matches for last used search pattern
:set hls

" automatic indenting
:set ai

" smart indenting
:set si

" don't restrict your backspace key
:set backspace=start,indent,eol

" only backup when trying to write, and don't keep backups
" after vim closes
:set nobackup
:set writebackup

" preserve file system modes on unix and in cygwin
:set backupcopy=yes

" enable folding for php classes and functions
:let php_folding=1

:filetype plugin on
:filetype indent on
":set omnifunc " ! only in Vim >= 7 !

" when a bracket is inserted, briefly jump to the
" matching one
:set showmatch matchtime=3

" color theme
if has("gui_running")
	"colo delek
	"colo mustang
	"colo two2tango
	colo darkZ
	"colo biogoo
	set gfn=Courier_New:h12:cANSI

	" gui font (Mac)
	if has("mac")
		set gfn=Monaco:h13
	elseif has("win32")
		"set gfn=Courier_New:h12:cANSI
		set gfn=Courier_New:h11:cANSI
	elseif has("unix")
		set gfn=Courier\ New\ 12

	"colo evening
	"colo morning
	"colo zellner
	colo delek

" gui font (Mac)
if has("mac")
	set gfn=Monaco:h13

" open files clicked or selected in Explore view in a new tab
:let netrw_browse_split=3

" keep from polluting your folders with .swp (swap) files during editing
if has("unix")
	set dir=~/tmp
elseif has("win32")
	set dir=c:\\temp

" code folding for javascript
function! JavaScriptFold() 
    setl foldmethod=syntax
    setl foldnestmax=1
	syn region jsBlock start=/{/ skip=/\s*\/\/.*\|{.*}/ end=/}/ contains=ALL fold keepend extend transparent

	syn clear javaScriptComment
	syn region javaScriptComment start=+/\*+ end=+\*/+ contains=@Spell,javaScriptCommentTodo,jsBlock

    function! FoldText()
        return substitute(foldtext(), '{.*', '{...}', '')
    setl foldtext=FoldText()
au FileType javascript call JavaScriptFold()
au FileType javascript setl fen

" make .js.php files be recognized as javascript
au BufReadPost *.js.php	setl filetype=javascript 

" make changelog.txt files have a set textwidth
au BufReadPost changelog.txt setl textwidth=80

" don't use changelog filetype
au FileType changelog	setl filetype=text

" delete a buffer
:map <F4> :bd<CR>

" toggle spelling
:map <F7> :set spell!<CR>

" use F5 to refresh
:map <F5> :e!<CR>

" toggle line wrapping
:map <F3> :set wrap!<CR>

" toggle invisibles
:map <F6> :set list!<CR>

" configure non-text preferences
:set lcs=trail:_,eol:$,tab:>-

" make tab stop (tab width in spaces) smaller
:set ts=4

" make shift width (spaces for indenting << >>) smaller
:set sw=4

:au GUIEnter * hi clear SpecialKey
:au GUIEnter * hi link SpecialKey StatusLineNC

" // commenting/uncommenting on visual block selections
map g/ :s/^\([ \t]*\)/\1\/\/ /g<CR>:let @/=histget("search", -2)<CR>
map g? :s/^\([ \t]*\)\/\/ \{0,1}\([ \t]*\)/\1\2/g<CR>:let @/=histget("search", -3)<CR>

" use , and . to shift indent and keep selection
vmap . >gv
vmap , <gv

" make unix the default file format for new files, and
" first attempt at reading existing files
:set ffs=unix,dos

" make sure we can select the character under the
" cursor when in visual mode
:set selection=inclusive

" show the ruler by default
set ruler

" set the hide pattern for browsing (use 'a' to toggle)
let g:netrw_list_hide= '^\.[^.]\|\.bak$'

" clear previous search highlighting
:map <F8> :let @/=''<CR>

" make vertical the default diff split (filler was already there)
set diffopt=filler,vertical

" html commenting (single lines only right now)
map gh :s/\(.*\)/<!--\1-->/<CR>:let @/=''<CR>
map gH :s/<!--\(.*\)-->/\1/<CR>:let @/=''<CR>

" fold all lines not matching search pattern ( press \z )
map <silent><leader>z :setl foldexpr=getline(v:lnum)!~@/ foldlevel=0 foldcolumn=1 foldmethod=expr foldtext=v:folddashes<CR><CR>

" javascript fold using search pattern technique (press zfj )
map zfj :/^\s*function.*{\s*$\\|^.*prototype.*=.*function.*$/<CR>:setl foldexpr=getline(v:lnum)!~@/ foldmethod=expr foldlevel=0 foldcolumn=1 foldtext=v:folddashes<CR><CR>

" space toggles the fold state under the cursor.
nnoremap <silent><space> :exe 'silent! normal! za'.(foldlevel('.')?'':'l')<cr>

" disable cmd opt mappings for MacVim (interferes with winmerge mappings)
let macvim_skip_cmd_opt_movement = 1

" use diff navigation like winmerge, using alt with up, down, left, right
nnoremap <M-Down> ]c
nnoremap <M-Up> [c
function! CopyToLeft() 
	if !&diff

	let currwin = winnr()
	if( currwin == 1 )
function! CopyToRight()
	if !&diff

	let currwin = winnr()
	if( currwin == 1 )
nnoremap <M-Right> :call CopyToRight()<CR>
nnoremap <M-Left> :call CopyToLeft()<CR>

" turn off anti-aliasing text
set noanti

" don't wrap around when searching
set nowrapscan

" fast window resizing
map <C-kMinus> <C-W>-
map <C-kPlus> <C-W>+
map <S-kMinus> <C-W><
map <S-kPlus> <C-W>>

" use F12 to highlight and run the entire contents of the current file in the
" next window (nice for testing syntax commands)
map <F12> ggVGy:@"<CR>

hi SpellBad ctermfg=white

au FileType cpp setl foldmethod=syntax
au FileType cpp setl foldnestmax=1

if has("gui_running")
	amenu WMH.resync :syn sync fromstart<CR>
	amenu WMH.nosyntax :syn clear<CR>
	amenu WMH.find\ non-ascii\ characters gg/[^\o40-\o172]<CR>
	amenu WMH.find\ non-ascii\ characters\ (ex\ tab\ nl\ cr) gg/[^\o40-\o172\o11\o12\o15]<CR>
	amenu WMH.highlight\ rows :autocmd ColorScheme * hi CursorLine guibg=#E9EFF8<CR> :set cul<CR>
	amenu WMH.nohighlight\ rows :set nocul<CR>
	amenu WMH.remove\ closed\ folds :call RemoveFolds()<CR>
	amenu WMH.-Sep- :
	amenu WMH.Filetype.reload\ as\ unix\ file :set ffs=unix<CR>:e ++ff=unix<CR>
	amenu WMH.Filetype.reload\ as\ dos\ file :set ffs=dos<CR>:e ++ff=dos<CR>
	amenu WMH.Filetype.reload\ as\ mac\ file :set ffs=mac<CR>:e ++ff=mac<CR>
	amenu WMH.Filetype.remove\ carriage\ returns :%s/\r//g<CR>
	amenu WMH.Filetype.utf-8\ encoding :set encoding=utf-8<CR>:e!<CR>
	amenu WMH.Filetype.latin1\ encoding :set encoding=latin1<CR>:e!<CR>
	amenu WMH.Bookmarks.projects :Explore C:\htdocs\projects\<CR>
	amenu WMH.Doctypes.HTML\ 4\.01\ Strict i<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN"<CR>   ""><CR><ESC>
	amenu WMH.Doctypes.HTML\ 4\.01\ Transitional i<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"<CR>   ""><CR><ESC>
	amenu WMH.Doctypes.HTML\ 4\.01\ Frameset i<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Frameset//EN"<CR>   ""><CR><ESC>
	amenu WMH.Doctypes.XHTML\ 1\.0\ Strict i<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"<CR>   ""><CR><ESC>
	amenu WMH.Doctypes.XHTML\ 1\.0\ Transitional i<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"<CR>   ""><CR><ESC>
	amenu WMH.Doctypes.XHTML\ 1\.0\ Frameset i<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Frameset//EN"<CR>   ""><CR><ESC>
	amenu WMH.PHP.xdebug_start_trace Oxdebug_start_trace(getcwd() . "/trace");<ESC>
	amenu WMH.PHP.xdebug_start_trace_append Oxdebug_start_trace(getcwd() . "/trace", XDEBUG_TRACE_APPEND);<ESC>
	amenu WMH.SQL.format_numbers_for_where gg:%s/^/,/g<CR>gg0xVGJgwgg:noh<CR>
	amenu WMH.SQL.format_strings_for_where gg:%s/^\(.*\)/,'\1'/g<CR>gg0xVGJgwgg:noh<CR>
	amenu WMH.-Sep- :
	amenu WMH.837\ syntax :set filetype=837<CR>gg
	amenu\ 837\ syntax\ file :split ~/vimfiles/syntax/837.vim<CR>
	amenu WMH.Progress\ syntax :set filetype=progress<CR>gg
	amenu WMH.Progress\ quick\ folding gg/\c^[\s]*procedure\\|^[\s]*for each\\|^[\s]*load file\\|^[\s]*if<CR>\z

" sort directory browsing by showing directories first, but don't use the
" default of sorting specific file types before others
let g:netrw_sort_sequence = '[\/]$'

" case-insensitive sorting in netrw
let g:netrw_sort_options="i"

" always change current (local) directory to directory of current buffer
autocmd BufEnter * silent! lcd %:p:h:gs/ /\\ /

" make diff colors more like winmerge
autocmd ColorScheme * hi DiffAdd gui=NONE guibg=gold guifg=black
autocmd ColorScheme * hi DiffChange gui=NONE guibg=lightyellow guifg=black
autocmd ColorScheme * hi DiffDelete gui=NONE guibg=gray guifg=black
autocmd ColorScheme * hi DiffText gui=NONE guibg=gold guifg=black
autocmd ColorScheme * set fillchars=vert:\|,fold:-,diff:\ 

" make sure we are using unicode encoding
set encoding=utf-8

" keep a few lines of padding when scrolling
set scrolloff=3

" allow preview window to show even when there is only one match
set completeopt=menuone,preview

" set a maximum popup window height for completion results so it isn't allowed
" to take up the whole screen
set pumheight=8

" allow control space to act as omni-completion trigger, like IntelliSense
inoremap <C-space> <C-x><C-o>

if has("win32")

	" open an explorer window at the current directory
	map <silent> <leader>E :silent !"explorer.exe ."<CR>


	" Save current buffer and diff the file using Tortoise SVN
	map <silent> <Leader>td :w<CR>:silent !"C:/Progra~1/TortoiseSVN/bin/TortoiseProc.exe /command:diff /path:"%" /notempfile /closeonend"<CR>

	" Save the current buffer and execute the Tortoise SVN interface's log
	map <silent> <Leader>tl :w<CR>:silent !"C:/Progra~1/TortoiseSVN/bin/TortoiseProc.exe /command:log /path:"%" /notempfile /closeonend"<CR>

	" show the Tortoise SVN check for modifications screen for the current directory
	map <silent> <Leader>ts :silent !"C:/Progra~1/TortoiseSVN/bin/TortoiseProc.exe /command:repostatus /path:. /closeonend"<CR>

	" show the Tortoise SVN commit screen for the current directory
	map <silent> <Leader>tc :silent !"C:/Progra~1/TortoiseSVN/bin/TortoiseProc.exe /command:commit /path:. /closeonend"<CR>

" don't allow NERDTree to take over our :E (explore) functionality
let NERDTreeHijackNetrw = 0

" don't allow large php files to stop vim from folding, etc...
" see
let php_large_file = 0

let g:statusline_mode = 0
function! ToggleStatusLine()
	" a more informative status line

	let g:statusline_mode += 1

	if( g:statusline_mode == 0 )
		" default status line
		:set statusline=
	elseif( g:statusline_mode == 1 )
		" file name, mod flags, and lots of file/cursor info
		:set statusline=%t%m%r%h%w\ [FORMAT=%{&ff}]\ [TYPE=%Y]\ [ASCII=\%03.3b]\ [HEX=\%02.2B]\ [POS=%04l,%04v][%p%%]\ [LEN=%L]
	elseif( g:statusline_mode == 2 )
		" full path to filename
		:set statusline=%F%m%r%h%w
	elseif( g:statusline_mode == 3 && exists("*GitBranch") )
		" relative path to filename with git info
		:set statusline=%f%m%r%h%w\ [GITBRANCH=%{GitBranch()}]
		" restore default (wrap around)
		:set statusline=
		let g:statusline_mode = 0
nnoremap <F10> :call ToggleStatusLine()<CR>
:call ToggleStatusLine()

" use ctrl-v to paste clipboard in insert mode
if has("win32")
	inoremap <C-v> <C-r>*

" use ctrl-f2 to toggle toolbar/menubar
map <silent> <C-F2> :if &guioptions =~# 'T' <Bar> set guioptions-=T <Bar> set guioptions-=m <bar> else <Bar> set guioptions+=T <Bar> set guioptions+=m <Bar> endif<CR>

" git-vim settings
let g:git_bin = 'c:\cygwin\bin\git'

" VCSCommand settings
let VCSCommandGitExec = 'c:\cygwin\bin\git'
"let VCSCommandSVNExec = 'C:\Program Files\svn-win32-1.6.6\bin\svn.exe'
let VCSCommandSVNExec = 'c:\cygwin\bin\svn'

function! RemoveFolds()
	folddoc :d

" we need to override the default php indenting for heredoc to always put the
" first line at the far left margin
function! MyGetPhpIndent()
	if v:lnum > 1 && getline(v:lnum - 1) =~ '\s*<<<\s*'
		return 0
		return GetPhpIndent()
autocmd BufReadPost *.php setlocal indentexpr=MyGetPhpIndent()
  • docs/vim/vimrc.txt
  • Last modified: 2011/12/16 10:24
  • by billh