mapping keys
points of interest
- for help see ':help mapping' in vim
- typical syntax:
:mappingcommand [special arguments] {lhs} {rhs} example: " this sets F3 to toggle line wrapping :map <F3> :set wrap!<CR>
- [type]noremap is often used to redefine a command to avoid nested and recursive mappings
- there are five sets of mappings:
:map (Normal, Visual+Select, Operator-Pending) :nmap (Normal, when vim is waiting for any key to be a command) :vmap (Visual, when a visual selection has begun) :omap (Operator-pending mode, after "d", "y", "c", etc...) :imap (Insert mode, when you are typing characters) :cmap (Command-line mode, when entering a ":" or "/" command)
- to remove a key mapping:
unmap nunmap vunmap ounmap iunmap cunmap
- on the Mac, the command key is mapped as <D- >
- to view a list of current mappings:
- to view a list of current mappings and the last place each item was set from:
:set verbose=1 :map
- on the Mac the pasteboard (clipboard) is at register “*
- if you are using gvim in windows, and you lose your ability to cut/copy/paste with Control-X,C, and V, you probably had the carriage returns removed from your vimrc file
- rename your .vimrc file temporarily
- start up gvim and type :mkvimrc ~/.vimrc-default
- compare the listings in this file with your vimrc file and fix as necessary