
:!: UPDATE - using ssh-copy-id is easier. See this page:

You know you can connect to a host with ssh by typing a password when requested. However it is usually easier, especially for a scripted environment, to run ssh without having to type the password. This also keeps the user password safe.

  1. on the connecting client, NOT the ssh server host, generate a public/private key pair (don't type a password when asked)
  2. this creates a private key ~/.ssh/id_rsa, and a public key ~/.ssh/
  3. the single line inside the public key file needs copied to a file on the ssh server host at ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

If you still get a password prompt, try to correct these items:

  • Your home directory ~ and your ~/.ssh directory on the remote machine must be writable only by you: rwx------ and rwxr-xr-x are fine, but rwxrwx--- is no good, even if you are the only user in your group (if you prefer numeric modes: 700 or 755, not 775).
  • Your private key file (on the local machine) must be readable and writable only by you: rw-------, i.e. 600.
  • Your ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file (on the remote machine) must be readable (at least 400), but you'll need it to be also writable (600) if you will add any more keys to it. I had to make this writable only by root (644) to correct a password prompt issue recently.
  • the authorized_keys file may contain one or more lines for all the hosts that are authorized to connect
  • the authorization files are per user on the host, so the appropriate user should hold the authorized_keys file
  • docs/ssh/public_key_authentication.txt
  • Last modified: 2014/06/03 11:43
  • by billh