
Elements of JSP

Whenever a .jsp is requested for the first time, the server does the following:

  1. Translates the .jsp page into a servlet
  2. Compiles the servlet into a class file
  3. Executes the servlet (response is sent to the client)

Subsequent requests (as long as the .jsp page is unchanged) use the same loaded class file.

A JSP page is a mixture of standard HTML tags, web page content, and some dynamic content that is specified using JSP constructs. Everything except the JSP constructs is called Template Text.

		<!-- an HTML comment -->
		<%-- a JSP comment --%>

JSP comments are used for documenting JSP code and are not visible client-side (using browser's View Source option) where as HTML comments are visible.

		<%= some_java_expression %>


<%= new java.util.Date().toString() %>

Output of the expression is placed in the HTML template at the same location.

There are some pre-defined Java variables/objects available for use in expressions (provide access to important servlet functionality):

request This is the same object as HttpServletRequest parameter in th get/post methods. Same methods (like, getParameter, getAttribute, etc) can be applied to it.

  • out
    • The servlet printwriter.
  • session
    • Same as servlet session object.


     <TITLE>JSP Expressions: Predefined Objects</TITLE>
     <H1>Using Predefined Objects</H1>
      <LI> Your Hostname: <%= request.getRemoteHost() %>
      <LI> Your Session ID: <%= session.getId() %>
      <LI> The value of INFO parameter: <%= request.getParameter("INFO") %>

Scriptlets are arbitrary pieces of Java code inserted in the page using the format:

		<% some_java_code %>

Example 1

     <TITLE>JSP: Scriptlets</TITLE>
        String bgColor = request.getParameter("COLOR");
        if (bgColor == null)
           bgColor = "WHITE";
    <BODY BGCOLOR="<%= bgColor %>" >
     <H1>Example Scriptlet: Sets background color</H1>

Example 2

     <TITLE>JSP: Scriptlets 2</TITLE>
     <% String bgColor = request.getParameter("COLOR"); %>
     <% if (bgColor == null) { %>
           <BODY BGCOLOR="FFFFFF" >
     <% } else { %>
           <BODY BGCOLOR="<%= bgColor %>" >
     <% } %>
     <H1>Example Scriptlet: Conditionally sets background color</H1>
     <% if (bgColor == null) { %>
           You did not supply a color, I used white.
     <% } else { %>
           Here is the color you requested.
     <% } %>
  • docs/programming/jsp/elements_of_jsp.txt
  • Last modified: 2008/08/03 00:25
  • by