ASP.NET Page Structure

  • directives
    <%@ Page Language="VB" %>
    • Page
    • Import
    • Register
  • code declaration blocks
    <script runat="server">
      Sub Page_Load()
        messageLabel.Text = "Hello World!"
      End Sub
  • code render blocks
    <% Dim Title As String = "This is generated by a code render block." %>
    <%= Title %>
  • ASP.NET server controls
    <asp:Label id="messageLabel" runat="server" />
    • ASP.NET Controls
    • HTML Controls
    • Web User Controls
    • Usually, an ASP.NET control must reside within a <form runat=“server”> tag in order to function correctly.
  • server-side comments
    <%-- Declare the title as string and set it --%>
  • literal text and HTML tags
  • docs/programming/
  • Last modified: 2008/08/03 00:25
  • by