Using Truetype Fonts with MapServer
- create a file called “fontset.txt”; the first item will be the font identifier for reference in your mapfiles, and the second item on each line will be the path to the truetype font file:
arial /path/to/font/files/arial.ttf
- reference the fontset.txt file at the beginning of a .map file like this:
MAP SIZE 800 600 EXTENT -742509 3537635 708118 4538138 IMAGECOLOR 153 179 204 FONTSET fontset.txt IMAGETYPE PNG24 # - HUGE BUT LOOKS GOOD PROJECTION "proj=merc" "ellps=WGS84" "lat_0=34.24" "lon_0=-111.62" END ...
- modify your LABEL section like this (8 is a point size):
LABEL TYPE truetype FONT "arial" SIZE 8 ...
make sure the fontset.txt and referenced truetype font files are accessible by your web server
- if this is not set up correctly, you may be able to make a map with shp2img, but cgi mapserv will fail in a web browser