Building Mapserver manually with Fink
- download and extract the mapserver source code (version used was 4.8.4)
- install binaries for necessary requirements (there may be more than is listed here; usually shlibs and dev packages)
- freetype2
- gd2
- gdal/ogr
- libiconv
- libtiff
- ming
- proj
- (possibly some posgresql80 stuff, even if you disable it in the configure)
- edit as follows:
... LD= @CC@ # around line 185 ... (change it to...) LD= g++
- build with the following:
./configure --mandir=/sw/share/man --with-gd=/sw --with-tiff=/sw --with-pdf=/sw --with-proj=/sw --with-ogr=/sw/bin/gdal-config --with-gdal=/sw/bin/gdal-config --with-ming=/sw --without-geos --with-curl-config=/usr/bin/curl-config --with-wfs --with-wcs --with-wmsclient --with-wfsclient
- install by copying the following to your cgi-bin directory for apache:
- mapserv
- scalebar
- shp2img
- (not sure if this is needed)
- shp2pdf
- shptree
- shptreetst (not sure if this is needed)
- shptreevis (not sure if this is needed)
- sortshp
- tile4ms
- make sure to change the owner to www:admin for all files copied in the previous step