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Given By: Kitty
Preparation Time: -
Serving Size: -



Beat with mixer until smooth. Add 5-6 cups of flour. Mix by hand. Add 2-3 more cups of flour if needed until starts cleaning the pan. Knead flour until all dry flour is mixed in. Oil all sides, top and bottom. Let set 2-3 hours until raised well, then flip end for end, side to side. Let stand 2 more hours. Choke off a piece, shape into a ball, grease pans, place dough balls in pan and punch with fork holes in dough. Let raise in pans until feels light-do not rush the rising. Bake at 350 degrees for 25-30 min. Test bottom-if not quite done let bake another 5 min.

* Note - this version has been cut in half from the original recipe.
