Table of Contents

Elements of JSP (More JSP Constructs)

Scriptlets, contd.

Using Arrays

One can easily use scriptlets to loop over arrays. In this example, the user is presented with choice boxes. When s/he presses the submit button, the choices are displayed.

    <FORM ACTION="choices.jsp">
      <INPUT type="checkbox" name="music" value="Classical"> Classical<BR>
      <INPUT type="checkbox" name="music" value="Rock"> Rock<BR>
      <INPUT type="checkbox" name="music" value="Jazz"> Jazz<BR>
      <INPUT type="checkbox" name="music" value="Blues"> Blues<BR>
      <INPUT type="checkbox" name="music" value="DC-GoGo"> DC GoGo<BR>
      <INPUT type="submit" value="Submit">
       String[] selected = request.getParameterValues("music");
       if (selected != null && selected.length != 0) {
          You like the following kinds of music:
               for (int i = 0; i < selected.length; i++) {
                 out.println("<LI>" + selected[i]);
     <% } %>


		<%! some JAVA declarations %>

You can define variables and/or methods.


The following JSP page illustrates the use of a counter variable as well as a method (that sets the color of text to arandom color) using the JSP declaration construct.

       private int hitCount = 0;
       String randomColor() {
         java.util.Random random = new java.util.Random();
         int R = (int) (random.nextFloat() * 255);
         int G = (int) (random.nextFloat() * 255);
         int B = (int) (random.nextFloat() * 255);
         return "#" + Integer.toString(R, 16)
                    + Integer.toString(G, 16)
                    + Integer.toString(B, 16);
    <FONT COLOR="<%= randomColor() %>" >
    This page has been accessed <%= ++hitCount %> times.

Summary of JSP Constructs

  1. Expressions
  2. Scriptlets
  3. Declarations
  4. Availability of pre-defined objects