Table of Contents

Response Object

The response object is useful, feature rich, and subtle. We are going to focus on it's most fundamental capabilities – the 20% you will use 80% of the time. The capabilities we think are vital include:


Does this error message plague you?

Response object error 'ASP 0156 : 80004005' 
Header Error 
whatever.asp, line # 
The HTTP headers are already written to the client browser. Any HTTP
header modifications must be made before writing page content. 

The Simple Fix….


needs to be added as the very first line to any pages made by any HTML document that mixes redirects/headers and content. And buffering is a great idea anyway from overall server speed viewpoint see

One drawback to <%response.buffer=true%> is if a page takes a while to compose (i.e. a couple thousand records from a database) people see nothing until the page is completely rendered. If a page takes 20 seconds to render, the browser user sees nothing until the 20th second! In that situation to avoid appearing as the page is dead, a well-placed <%response.flush%> tell server to send HEADER + whatever text so far so lets readers see the portions of the page being built. Increasing percieved speed of database displays is explained at by judicous use of flushing buffer.

NT4 and Win 2000 differences

NT4 <%buffer=false%> by default which hurts overall server speed ( Win 2000 <%buffer=true%> by default. A clever administrator can change NT4 registry so buffer=true for all scripts and will see major server performance improvements (see for other ones).


response.write server.htmlencode("<B>Hyperion</b> by <I>Dan Simmons</i> is a great novel")
response.write server.URLencode("Joe Smith & Hilda = a team")


The response object is often used with a variety of syntax variations which we will detail here.

</head><body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
' The response object can be used to write text a variety of ways
' depending on what style you personally prefer
' Various permutations of writing to the browser
response.write "<form>"
response.write "Hello, Joe<br>"
response.write "Hello, " & who & "<br>"
Hello, <%=who%><br>
Which Book? <input type="TEXT" name="book" value="The Stand"><br>
response.write "Which Book? <input type=""TEXT"" name=""book"" value=""The Stand""><br>"
response.write "Which Book? <input type='TEXT' name='book' value='The Stand'><br>"
response.write "Which Book? <input type=" & quote & "TEXT" & quote & " name=" & quote & "book" & quote & " value=" & quote & "The Stand" & quote & "><br>"
<%bookname="The Stand"%>
Which Book? <input type="TEXT" name="book" value="<%=bookname%>"><br>
response.write "Which Book? <input type=""TEXT"" name=""book"" value=""" & bookname & """><br>"