# full color example convert -density 150 -units PixelsPerInch -page letter SN-085.pdf SN-085.tif # monochrome, small size, similar to multi page tiff (fax) sheets convert -density 300 -units PixelsPerInch -page letter -monochrome -compress Group4 SN-085.pdf SN-085.tif # convert color pdf from Illustrator to small grayscale 8 bit tif w/small file size, adjusting contrast to make it darker convert.exe -density 200 -units PixelsPerInch -page letter -colorspace gray -compress lzw -alpha off -depth 8 -contrast-stretch .15%x60% input.pdf output.tif
gs -q -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=tiff24nc -r150 -sPAPERSIZE=letter -sOutputFile=a.tif a.pdf -c quit
tiffsplit input.tif
(the r forces JPEG encoded RGB) tiffcp -c jpeg:r:60 1.tif 1a.tif tiff2pdf -j -q60 1a.tif > 1.pdf
It looks like editing each PDF file in a text editor and changing ColorTransform 0 to ColorTransform 1 makes my PDF files display correctly, regardless of the viewing application I use. So far I've tested this with acroread, kpdf and ghostscript with good results. This change should be easy enough to do with sed.
tiff2pdf -p letter -o output.pdf input.pdf
tiff2pdf -z -p letter -o output.pdf input.pdf
tiff2pdf -j -q60 -p letter -o output.pdf input.pdf
tiff2pdf -z -p letter -cprogramname -aauthorname -tdocumenttitle -sdocumentsubject -o output.pdf input.pdf
ls -1L *.tif | while read file;do tiff2pdf -p letter -o "${file}".pdf "${file}" done
tiff2ps -2 a.tif | gs -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=a.pdf - -c quit
tiffutil -cat x*.tif -out test.tif
tiffcp -c lzw x*.tif output2.tif
convert -adjoin x*.tif output.tif
pdftk *.pdf cat output combined.pdf
tiffcp -c lzw input.tif output.tif
tiff2bw -c lzw input.tif output.tif
tiffcp -c g4 input.tif output.tif
convert -monochrome -compress Groupt4 input.tif output.tif
convert -monochrome -black-threshold 35768 input.tif output.tif
ls -1L x*.tif|while read file; do convert -monochrome -compress Group4 "${file}" "${file}".bw.tif; done tiffutil -cat *.bw.tif -out tifoutput.tif tiff2pdf -z -p letter -o output.pdf tifoutput.tif