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creating a patch file

If you are not the maintainer for a project, but still want to contribute, you can clone the repo and modify files. You might fix a bug or add a feature. Then you can email a “patch” file containing your changes to the actual maintainer of the project. You might try to work on a specific bug or feature ticket.

Make sure your working copy is at the point you want as your final state. Create a new branch if this point is somewhere behind where your current HEAD is. Then create a patch file with the following, where “master” can be any branch name or sha-1 hash as a starting point.

git format-patch master --stdout > your-patch-file.diff

applying a patch file (method 1)

Make sure you are on a clean working copy, then apply the patch to the working copy (no commits are added, only working copy files are updated):

git apply their-patch-file.diff

Now you can review the changes as necessary.

Note that the above method is a git patch file, suitable for using git am. This is not the same as a standard patch file created with diff. Git patch files contain author's, commit messages and metadata, etc…

applying a patch file (method 2)

This will add consecutive commits to your current branch, including the commit messages. At the end of the patch, your working copy should be clean with a history of all applied commits. First create a new branch:

git checkout -b new-branch-name

Then apply the patch:

git am < their-patch-file.diff

Note that the above method is a git patch file, suitable for using git am. This is not the same as a standard patch file created with diff. Git patch files contain author's, commit messages and metadata, etc…

manually rewriting data for a project