Building Mapserver manually with Fink

  1. download and extract the mapserver source code (version used was 4.8.4)
  2. install binaries for necessary requirements (there may be more than is listed here; usually shlibs and dev packages)
    • freetype2
    • gd2
    • gdal/ogr
    • libiconv
    • libtiff
    • ming
    • proj
    • (possibly some posgresql80 stuff, even if you disable it in the configure)
  3. edit as follows:
    LD=  @CC@           # around line 185
    (change it to...)
    LD=  g++
  4. build with the following:
    ./configure --mandir=/sw/share/man --with-gd=/sw --with-tiff=/sw --with-pdf=/sw --with-proj=/sw --with-ogr=/sw/bin/gdal-config --with-gdal=/sw/bin/gdal-config --with-ming=/sw --without-geos --with-curl-config=/usr/bin/curl-config --with-wfs --with-wcs --with-wmsclient --with-wfsclient
  5. install by copying the following to your cgi-bin directory for apache:
    • mapserv
    • scalebar
    • shp2img
    • (not sure if this is needed)
    • shp2pdf
    • shptree
    • shptreetst (not sure if this is needed)
    • shptreevis (not sure if this is needed)
    • sortshp
    • tile4ms
  6. make sure to change the owner to www:admin for all files copied in the previous step