Table of Contents

cygwin utilities



The cygpath program is a utility that converts Windows native filenames to Cygwin POSIX-style pathnames and vice versa.


The dumper utility can be used to create a core dump of running Windows process.


For each argument that is a regular file, special file or directory, getfacl displays the owner, the group, and the ACL. For each file given as parameter, setfacl will either replace its complete ACL (-s, -f), or it will add, modify, or delete ACL entries.


The regtool program allows shell scripts to access and modify the Windows registry.

ssp (single step profiler)

The SSP is a program that uses the Win32 debug API to run a program one ASM instruction at a time.


The strace program executes a program, and optionally the children of the program, reporting any Cygwin DLL output from the program(s) to stdout, or to a file with the -o option.