Table of Contents

Autodesk Map: Projection and SHP file example


Initial Procedure

  1. open Autodesk Map (not Land Desktop - it is not required)
  2. Map → Tools → Assign Global Coordinate System
  3. click “Select Coordinate System”
  4. under “Category”, select “World/Continental”
  5. under “Coordinate Systems in Category”, select “Lambert Conformal Conic projection for North America, Meter”
  6. click OK twice, to close both dialog windows
  7. Map → Tools → Import
  8. set the “Import Type” to “ESRI Shape”
  9. use the Drives and Folders sections to locate your states shapefiles folder (your files will not yet be visible)
  10. click OK
  11. make sure only one the statesp020 shapefile is checked
  12. in the statesp020 row, in the “Input Coordinates” column, click once to highlight the cell and then click the three dots at the right side of the cell to open a dialog
  13. select “Lat Longs” for the Category, and select the first option “No Datum, Latitude-Longitude, Degrees -180 to +180”, and click OK (note that you must click something for this to work, even if what you want was already selected when the dialog first appeared)
  14. you should now see the letters “LL” in the Input Coordinates column
  15. verify that “Perform coordinate conversions” is checked in the Format Options section
  16. click OK to begin the import process
  17. after the import is finished, zoom to extents (Z <space>, E <space>)
  18. you should now see the 50 states, with a common projection shape (the north border of the continental U.S. should be curved)

Working with Lat/Long Coordinates After Importing Data

  1. notice that when you move your cursor, your coordinates are large numbers (these are meters from approximately the center of the U.S.)
  2. to move your cursor and see Latitude/Longitude:
    1. go to Map → Tools → Track Coordinates
    2. click the “Select coordinate system” button (the earth with an arrow)
    3. select “Lat Longs” for the Category, and select the first option “No Datum, Latitude-Longitude, Degrees -180 to +180” and click OK
    4. notice that your Autocad coordinate display (lower right of Autocad window) will show the meter coordinates of your original projection, but the Track Coordinates dialog will show Latitude/Longitude coordinates as you move your cursor
  3. to use a command, such as drawing a point at a specified Lat/Long (such as a point you have on a hand held GPS unit, or something you have on another map):
    1. first start by entering your desired command, such as “point <space>” (for drawing a point)
    2. use the X and Y fields in the “Track Coordinates” dialog to type in the Latitude and Longitude of your desired point
    3. click the “Digitize” button in the “Track Coordinates” dialog (pen with a cross)
    4. you should see the calculated coordinates appear in the command line (where your point command was waiting for input)
    5. a point should be created at your desired location