====== diff ======
To perform a 'diff' is to view the differences between two files. Vim will automatically show you the different areas by highlighting the lines. You can easily copy those portions between the files if desired.
===== diff from command line =====
diff's are so common that vim comes with a command just for them. To start vim in diff mode with two files, use the vimdiff command:
===== diff after vim is started =====
If vim is already running, open the first file. Type the following (command mode):
:diffsplit file2
===== diff preferences =====
You can adjust your .vimrc file to customize your diff usage. A common viewing preference is to make diff's show up vertically, instead of horizontally.
" make vertical the default diff split (filler was already there)
set diffopt=filler,vertical
Winmerge is a popular Windows-only application, dedicated to managing diffs. You can simulate the behavior of the Winmerge keys with the following:
" disable cmd opt mappings for MacVim (interferes with winmerge mappings)
let macvim_skip_cmd_opt_movement = 1
" use diff navigation like winmerge, using alt with up, down, left, right
nnoremap ]c
nnoremap [c
function! CopyToLeft()
if !&diff
let currwin = winnr()
if( currwin == 1 )
function! CopyToRight()
if !&diff
let currwin = winnr()
if( currwin == 1 )
nnoremap :call CopyToRight()
nnoremap :call CopyToLeft()
===== diffs on directories (multiple files) =====
Vim by default only handles diffs between files. If you need to analyze entire directories, try using the [[docs:diff:dirdiff|DirDiff]] plugin for vim.