====== Renaming Projects in Xcode ====== * see also http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=300588 ===== My Instructions ===== - duplicate the OldProject folder - rename the new project folder to NewProject - rename the OldProject.xcodeproj to NewProject.xcodeproj - open NewProject.xcodeproj in Xcode - rename the target OldProject to NewProject - open the info panel for the target * in the Properties tab, change the identifier if necessary - Clean all - close Xcode, and edit NewProject.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj in a text editor * replace every OldProject reference with NewProject - rename OldProject_Prefix.pch to NewProject_Prefix.pch (if it exists) - edit NewProject_Prefix.pch in a text editor * replace every OldProject reference with NewProject - open Xcode, and build and run your application - (Optional) you may need to update the following files if you have them, or if you have modified them * InfoPlist.strings * Credits.html * Credits.rtf * also, any icons or graphics with outdated images such as old program names ===== Instructions from another site ===== These instructions are adapted from the Apple instructions for the same task using Project Builder . Renaming a project in XCode is a bit convoluted, however it only takes a few minutes and is certainly quicker than recreating the project from scratch in my opinion. Here is how ... Assume you are starting with a project named "MyWOProject" and that you want to change its name to "MyNewWOProject". - Duplicate the "MyWOProject" directory and name it "MyNewWOProject". - Rename the MyWOProject.xcode file inside the MyNewWOProject directory to MyNewWOProject.xcode. - Open the MyNewWOProject project in Project Builder. - Rename the MyWOProject target MyNewWOProject - Make the target MyWOProject active. - Select Edit Active Target 'MyWOProject' from the Project menu. - Under Target Summary pane, enter 'MyNewWOProject' in Base product name. - Under Info.plist Entries/Expert View, change the project name for NSExecutable and NSJavaPathClient properties. - In the Groups & Files project pane, expand targets - Select MyWOProject target and select Rename from the File menu - Choose Clean All Targets from the Build menu. * At this point, if you build the project, the file still has the name MyWOProject, as does the .woa directory and the URL for connecting to the application. A few more steps are necessary to complete the process. - Quit XCode. - Open a terminal window, and navigate (using 'cd') INTO the project (which is a unix package directory). For example... % cd /Users/kieran/MyNewWOProject/MyNewWOProject.xcode List the contents with % ls -al Open the file project.pbxproj with a text editor (such as vi for example , as I do here)... % vi project.pbxproj - In vi, replace all occurrences of MyWOProject with MyNewWOProject by pressing the colon key ( : ) (the colon key initiates the vi command line) and then type %s/MyWOProject/MyNewWOProject/g. So you literally type these characters (replacing with your old and new project names of course) :%s/MyWOProject/MyNewWOProject/g Save and exit vi by typing literally a colon, the letters 'w' and 'q'... :wq - Open MyNewWOProject in XCode. - Build and run the application.