====== Arrays ====== ===== Simple Array ===== * you do not have to declare a fixed size for an array when you create it * if you do specify a size, the values are NULL until they are set var myArray = new Array(); myArray[0] = "Alice"; myArray[1] = "Fred"; ... * if you supply more than one argument to Array(), the values are treated as data for the array var myArray = new Array("Alice", "Fred", "Jean"); // or var myArray = ["Alice", "Fred", "Jean"]; ===== Dynamically populating an array ===== * use the .length property to determine the number of items, which is the same as the next available index since arrays are 0 based: myArray[myArray.length] = "Steve"; ===== Multidimensional Arrays ===== FIXME ===== Strings and Arrays ===== * use join to create a string of all array items: var arrayAsString = myArray.join(","); // a comma is inserted between each item * use split to create an array of items from a string: var restoredArray = myRegularString.split(","); * split is more powerful, because regular expressions can be used as the separator parameter; the following creates an array of just the integer portions of values, looking for a period followed by two numerals and an optional comma: var amounts = "30.25,120.00,45.09,200.10"; var amtArray = amounts.split(/\.\d{2},?/); ===== Sorting an array ===== FIXME ===== Dividing an array ===== FIXME ===== Combining arrays ===== FIXME