====== Postgres Notes ====== * [[http://www.postgresql.org/docs/|Postgres Documentation]] * [[http://www.pgadmin.org|pgAdmin]] - GUI administration tool for Postgres * Postgres has a binary windows installer package, which includes pgAdmin * There is a system path warning for conflicts with Cygwin; if Cygwin is installed, some dll's won't mix well * Installed as a service on Win32, creating a user'postgres' with a randomly generated password * port 5432, checked box to accept connections from all hosts * pgAdmin has a tips file at 'pgadmin III/docs/en_US/tips.txt' * database encoding warning - default database encoding is SQL_ASCII, but many files are UTF8 or other ecoding; make sure to specify an encoding with the createdb commands below * restoring a database from a sql script file (such as example databases and database dumps): * createdb dbname (enter) (then enter your password) * psql -f db_sql_file.sql [-d] dbname (enter) (enter your password) * you may also want to set the encoding: createdb --encoding UTF8 dbname * [[http://www.sqlmanager.net/en/products/postgresql/manager|EMS SQL Manager Lite]] is free - available for MySQL, Postgres, SQL Server, Oracle * Postgres on the Mac: http://developer.apple.com/internet/opensource/postgres.html * list available databases: * psql -l * psql -l -h myserver.com * psql -l -h myserver.com -U postgres * backticks (`) don't work in Postgres (commonly used in MySQL) * common primary key type in MySQL: "int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment" in Postgres is "serial", and a sequence is automatically created for the increment * type blob is bytea in Postgres * in expressions, _ (underscore) matches any single character, and % (percent) matches any string of zero or more characters * escapes and string constants are covered in section of the Postgres documentation; to escape a single quote, precede it with another: '' * by default, for security reasons, Postgres does not listen on all available IP addresses; this needs enabled in data/postgresql.conf: * listen_addresses = '*' * to access the db from another host, you must edit data/pg_hba.conf * to add a local subnet, use something like: host all all md5 * be careful with any lines ending with 'trust', because those hosts will be allowed access unconditionally, without asking for a password * to reload PostgreSQL, such as for configuration file changes, you can use: pg_ctl reload [-D DATADIR] [-s] ===== Queries ===== * ILIKE "%rob" - case insensitive search * ORDER BY lower(colname) - case insensitive order by for colname * || (double pipe) - like CONCAT from MySQL: firstname || ', ' || lastname AS name * sequence functions: * CURVAL * NEXTVAL * SETVAL * SERIAL - auto creates sequence file and proper ordering; note that primary key needs specified as of recent Postgres versions * INTEGER