====== tif to pdf ====== ===== command line tools ===== * all part of the libtiff suite of utilities ==== fax2ps ==== ==== fax2tiff ==== ==== gif2tiff ==== ==== pal2rgb ==== ==== ppm2tiff ==== ==== ras2tiff ==== ==== raw2tiff ==== ==== rgb2ycbcr ==== ==== thumbnail ==== ==== tiff2bw ==== * convert a color TIFF image to greyscale * tiff2bw -c lzw input.tif output.tif ==== tiff2pdf ==== * convert a TIFF image to a PDF document * tiff file cannot have alpha channel or compression tiff2pdf -p letter -o output.pdf input.tif ==== tiff2ps ==== ==== tiff2rgba ==== ==== tiffcmp ==== ==== tiffcp ==== ==== tiffdither ==== ==== tiffdump ==== ==== tiffinfo ==== * print information about TIFF files ==== tiffmedian ==== ==== tiffset ==== ==== tiffsplit ==== * split a multi-image TIFF into single-image TIFF files ===== Adobe Acrobat 6 ===== * drag single or multiple .tif files into Acrobat (on the Acrobat program icon), and Acrobat will ask if you want to combine them into a single file * also, File -> Create PDF -> From Multiple Files... should work * in Acrobat 6, there is a problem with the default order of merging documents and it almost always requires user intervention to put the pages in proper order before completing the merge ===== See Also ===== * [[..:imagemagick:command_line_tools|imagemagick]] - http://www.imagemagick.org/script/index.php