====== starting a new remote branch ======
In the examples below, there is a shared repo (shared), a user1 (doing the branch changes), and a user2 (needs to pull the branch changes).
Method 1 may be better for you if the branch already exists locally, and you need that history pushed to the shared repo.
===== method 1: start a local branch and push it to the remote =====
* shared repo has one branch: master
* user1 creates a new local branch called dev
$ git checkout -b dev
* push the new local branch to the shared repo:
$ git push origin dev
* but wait - even though user1 created the branch and pushed it to the remote, the local branch is not yet tracking the shared branch
* option 1 - use %%--set-upstream%%
git branch --set-upstream dev origin/dev
(output should be: Branch dev set up to track remote branch dev from origin.)
* option 2 - delete the local branch and create it again with %%--track%%
$ git checkout master
$ git branch -D dev
$ git checkout --track -b dev origin/dev
* option 3 - manually edit your .git/config by adding lines similar to the following (this is what %%--set-upstream%% does for you)
[branch "dev"]
remote = origin
merge = refs/heads/dev
* user2 can pull changes to see the new branch, then use the same command as user1 to create a local branch and track the remote branch:
$ git pull
From /path/to/shared/repo
* [new branch] dev -> origin/dev
Already up-to-date.
$ git checkout --track -b dev origin/dev
$ git branch -a
* dev
remotes/origin/HEAD -> origin/master
===== method 2: push a new branch directly to the shared repo =====
* shared repo has one branch: master
* user1 pushes a new branch (dev) to the shared repo
$ git push origin origin:refs/heads/dev
* user1 now has the following branches locally:
$ git branch -a
* master
remotes/origin/HEAD -> origin/master
* user1 now must create a local branch which is set to "track" the new remote branch:
$ git checkout --track -b dev origin/dev
$ git branch -a
* dev
remotes/origin/HEAD -> origin/master
* user2 can pull changes to see the new branch, then use the same command as user1 to create a local branch and track the remote branch:
$ git pull
From /path/to/shared/repo
* [new branch] dev -> origin/dev
Already up-to-date.
$ git checkout --track -b dev origin/dev
$ git branch -a
* dev
remotes/origin/HEAD -> origin/master
===== Advanced Topics =====
==== creating a new remote branch from a branch other than master ====
we want to create a new remote branch called foo2 from an existing remote branch called foo
$ git push origin origin/foo:refs/heads/foo2
==== remove a remote branch ====
git push origin :old_branch_to_be_deleted
===== External Links =====
* http://cheat.errtheblog.com/s/git