====== git ====== git is my versioning system of choice for all source code. The advantages of git over other systems are why more and more open source and commercial projects are using git as well. ===== obtaining git ===== * http://git-scm.com/ ===== configuration ===== * [[.:gitconfig]] * [[.:git on windows]] * [[.:show current branch in bash prompt]] ===== using git ===== * [[.:git walkthrough]] * [[.:git gui]] * [[.:gitk]] * [[.:partially adding lines to commits]] * [[.:stash]] * [[.:undoing changes]] ===== advanced git ===== * [[.:adding a remote]] * [[.:adding empty folders]] * [[.:branch descriptions]] * [[.:filter-branch]] * [[.:gitr]] * [[.:hooks]] * [[.:rebase]] * [[.:starting a new remote branch]] * [[.:submodules]] ===== git and svn ===== * [[.:converting an svn project to git]] * [[.:importing an svn repository]] * [[.:git vs svn]] ===== Additional Information ===== * [[.:bash completion]] * [[.:backing up repository]] * [[.:clone behind a proxy]] * [[.:committing as another user]] * [[.:completely remove a file from all revisions]] * [[.:creating and applying patch files]] * [[.:exporting an older version of a file]] * [[.:fixing cygwin file mode changes]] * [[.:git with a live website]] * [[.:merging multiple repositories]] * [[.:multiple users with a public repository]] * [[.:solving your branch is ahead problem]] * [[.:using other merge and diff tools]] * [[.:working copies of multiple branches]] ===== See Also ===== * [[.:helpful links]]