====== .gitconfig ====== :!: This page shows a working example of a .gitconfig file. You can create a version of this file manually, or use the 'git config' commands as shown on the [[.:git walkthrough]] page. Your global git configuration is kept in ~/.gitconfig. The various values I'm using are listed below with explanations. **~/.gitconfig** # the names and emails that are inserted with your commits by default [user] name = Your Name email = youremail@company.com # carriage return/line feed preferences [core] autocrlf = false safecrlf = false # I use git gui a lot, and if you type a partial commit message and then close # git gui, it will be stored in a file; we use this file as a template if we # later do a command line commit [commit] template = .git/GITGUI_MSG # set up diff and merge tools in windows (Tortoise/WinMerge) [diff] tool = winmerge #this runs git diff in external tool #external = /cygdrive/h/git-diff-wrapper.sh [difftool "winmerge"] cmd = /cygdrive/h/git-difftool-wrapper.sh \"$LOCAL\" \"$REMOTE\" [gui] gcwarning = false [merge] tool = tortoise [mergetool "tortoise"] cmd = \"c:/Progra~1/TortoiseGit/bin/TortoiseMerge.exe\" /base:\"$BASE\" /theirs:\"$REMOTE\" /mine:\"$LOCAL\" /merged:\"$MERGED\" # when using git svn stuff, this tells git what your svn user info is [svn] authorsfile = /cygdrive/c/htdocs/projects/svnusers.txt