====== Developing with NetBeans ====== ===== Modules ===== * http://www.nbandroid.org/ ===== Instructions ===== The following was modified but originally taken from here: * [[http://en.androidwiki.com/wiki/Developing_Android_aplications_using_NetBeans|Developing Android aplications using NetBeans]] - from the command line, [[starting an android project|start an android project]] - in NetBeans, start a "Java Free-Form Project" (if you already have NetBeans stuff in the project, delete the nbproject folder and any other NetBeans files) - set the folder location and project name, and point the Build Script to the ant build.xml file - set the Build Project to "debug" (see link above for details) - the Source Package folders should only have the res and src directories - set your JDK accordingly, and set the encoding to UTF-8 - in your Java Sources Classpath, add the jar file from /platforms//android.jar - Project Output directory should be set to "bin" - your project will now open in NetBeans (but it won't work correctly yet: package R does not exist) - (if you did the steps exactly as above, these items should already be done for you) go to the Files tab, and edit nbproject/project.xml as follows - edit the ide-actions: debug - edit context-menu: - save the file and click Build (you should now get R.java within the gen directory) - FIXME - figure out how to get NetBeans to stop complaining about R.java without adding an import for it (the build works anyway) ===== External Links ===== * [[http://en.androidwiki.com/wiki/Developing_Android_aplications_using_NetBeans|Developing Android aplications using NetBeans]] * [[http://developer.android.com/guide/developing/other-ide.html|Developing In Other IDEs]]